About Us

Welcome to String Swap, your premier online destination for all things string instruments. With an extensive selection of strings and accessories from all the popular brands, we're here to cater to musicians of all ages and skill levels, creating a vibrant and inclusive community. Did you know that approximately 1.5 million pounds of old strings end up in landfills every year? At String Swap, we're on a mission to change that. When you choose String Swap, not only do you receive top-quality products and exceptional service, but you also actively participate in reducing waste and preserving our environment. With every purchase, you'll receive a prepaid mailer at no extra cost, allowing you to easily send back your old strings for recycling or upcycling. We're committed to diverting as many strings as possible from landfills and giving them a new purpose through collaboration with various organizations. But our dedication to making a positive impact doesn't stop there. Based in Watertown, MA, we also provide local instrument repair services. Our skilled technicians have the expertise to handle a wide range of repairs, ensuring that your beloved string instruments receive the care and attention they deserve. Join our ever-growing community of passionate musicians, environmental enthusiasts, and advocates for change. Discover the joy of shopping for strings, fostering sustainability, and supporting local repairs—all under one virtual roof. String Swap: Uniting Music, Sustainability, and Community, one string at a time.
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